Gateway of Makisima Library to World Wide Web Nexus
[to Japanese page]
Notice: Please visit my Wiki Site
Following pages or contents are old edition and frozen now.
Makisima Library
Makisima Wiki Site (
Please visit my Wiki Site.
Makisima Library (
Makisima Library, Contents
Private Introduction of MAKISIMA,
Introduction to booksellers in Kitamoto-shi, Saitama, and Tokyo (update: 2003.11.16), Books I read such as Bujold's works,
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou,
Honda Shinichi's works,
and so on,
and more.
Tsuredsure naru mama ni ( in Japanese ),
or as fancy dictates.
(Update: 2005.12.31)
Gateway of Makisima Library to World Wide Web Nexus
This page. Links and bookmarks.

My parents' company.
They create and sell arts and crafts such as Head Ornaments.
(The language is Japanese only now)

- One of my friends, Alkaid's ( or Al's ) page. The language is Japnese only. (New. 2003.11.03)

Moto Shop M.E
A motorbike shop in Omiya.
The president is one of my classmates in the university.
Sandal Yotto
One of my fellow workers' page.
Sorry, this site is in Japanese only.
Bin-Chan's room
A friend of mine from University days.
He is an owner of a Ford Motor's "Ka".
(I guess the language of this site is Japanese only)
Makiuti's Home Page
Mr. MAKIUTI Sin'itirou's site.
The Institute of Space and Astronautical Science(ISAS),
Laboratoy of InfraRed Astronomy.
You can enjoy "wana or trap".
I guess it is safty.
(New: 2003.01.03)
Home Page of Ex-members
of Space Research Club
of Metropolitan Nishi High School
The Uken homepage made by graduates of
Tokyo Metropolitan Nishi Senior High School.
Uken is a nickname of "Uchu Kenkyu Bu".
Uchu means outer space or the univers,
Kenkyu means reserch or study,
and Bu means club.
Nishi is the west or western.
- A friend of mine from University days. He likes motorbike. (I guess the
language of this site is Japanese only) (The web server is down for a long
time. 2003.11.03)
The present day and time:
2025.03. 6 (21:13:15) JST
2025.03. 6 (12:13:15) GMT
Update: 2007.03.09
(record of this page)
(C) 2000-2006, MAKISIMA Noriyuki